Monday, September 29, 2008

† Soft Toys That I Would Keep †


The word "domo" sounds polite and you can never be able to relate it with this particular monster shown below.

*Gaaaarhhh I'm Domo Kun!!ドウモくん!! *

Cute isn't it? Domo Kun has lotsa ugly name like chocolate chunk, shit monster or carpet creature but these names made it even cuter.

*Gaaah!! Out of my way!!*

*Gaaah!! You're annoying!!*


I love the concept that saying "soft toy ain't cute". Looking at the bear below, it makes me laugh.

Introducing... the Gloomy Bear. The first thing you would notice: blood dripping out of its mouth. Why why why?

Secondly, you would notice its claw, filled with blood too. Why why why?

So here's the answer, according to the story, Gloomy Bear is a violent bear that eats human. Man... I love this concept.

Gloomy, an abandoned little bear, is rescued by Pitty (the little boy). Initially, it was cute and cuddly, but has become more wilder as he grows up. Since bears do not become attached to people like dogs or cats by nature, Gloomy attacks Pitty even though he is the owner. That is why Gloomy has blood (Pitty's blood) on him.

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