Wednesday, November 25, 2009

† Chameleon Guitar: Acoustic & Electrical Fusion †

An electric guitar is often a preference for the youngsters and of course I understand how excited it'd be to own your personal electric guitar. However it sucks when you realize that electrical guitar is useless without an amp. Its specifically non-applicable for camp fires or beach camping.

The concept of 'all-in-one' guitar has become an aim for many guitar-producing company. Semi-acoustic is one of the inventions. So is it possible to have such 'all-in-one' electric guitar as well?

I believe the Chameleon Guitar, developed at the MIT Media Lab, can provide us the answer. Chameleon Guitar embodies a unique combination of traditional acoustic and modern electrical design. If I were to summarize the whole thing, I would say it looks like an electric guitar, but acts like both electric and acoustic guitar.

According to the official website, the reason behind such design is that the sound generated by the instrument and the physical soundboard plug-in is installed with a digital effects processor inside the guitar body, producing an original sound amplified by digital devices.

In other words, even without an amp, it still can produce a very clear and loud voice, just like an acoustic guitar. The good thing about this guitar is that, there are a variety of sound boards available, making customization possible. On top of that, each different quality or design of the wooden piece can result in different sound effects that many guitar players may feel excited about it.

Further information can be obtained in the video posted here. Source: LabCast

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