Monday, August 23, 2010

I'll miss you...

This is not the way I want to update my blog after a month of Internet-less. There were so many things that I wanted to share before, but now everything seem to be less important but the death of my late grandma, Hajah Siti Nor Hj Noh.

Banyak dugaan dan ujian yang Dia berikan padaku, and this is one of them to test how strong I am in riding the roller-coaster of life. Yesterday, I lost my only granparent that I had and knew. My grandma or whom I called Mek.

I was always Arwah Mek’s favourite grandchild. Masa kecik-kecik dulu selalu ikut Mek pergi bandar. Mek suka pakaikan aku dengan all those cute attire ngan barangan kemas. I had always seek for Mek’s advice. And she was unbelievable cook. My all time favorite was her taucu and nasi dagang. Terbaik! Kalau bulan puasa masa Mek sihat lagi, aku ngan Sarah la yang suka mengikut pergi terawih. Kalau nak cerita all the memories we had memang takkan habis. Dari kecik sampai la aku keluar rumah then msuk uiTM, I grew up with her by my side.

It was in the year of 2002 that she started to suffer from this weird disease. Mama took care of her since then. Macam-macam cara da my family tried to cure her, traditionally and modern. Ada doctor cakap it was Alzheimer, penyakit orang tua-tua a.k.a. nyanyuk but amazingly, sometimes she could remember everything even it was 20 years ago. But sometimes, she could ask us the same question over and over again eventhough we had answered it. Mama lah orang yang paling sabar & tabah taking care of Mek. Perangai Mek at one point dah jadi macam budak-budak sampai cucu-cucu pun suka usik-usik. But despite all the usikan, deep down inside, we really loved her and I sometimes wished that she could back to normal.

Time flew so fast, on 22nd September, di saat baru 12 hari umat Islam menyambut Ramadhan, tak sangka akhirnya Mek meninggalkan kami. I was at Shah Alam when I received the call. I felt like I was dreaming. The next day, after sahur, kitorang (my cousins and I) gerak balik Kelantan. Alhamdulillah, we managed to reach home sebelum jenazah dikebumikan. Sempat kissed her check before jenazah siap dikapankan . Jenazah arwah nampak sangat tenang and nampak as if she was smiling. I was in the van jenazah up until the graveyard. Alhamdulillah, segala urusan telah dipermudahkanNya.

One thing for sure, I’ll miss Arwah Mek. Raya tahun ni tak akan sama tanpa Mek disisi kami. *Tears* I love u, always and forever. Semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman. Amin~


Kullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut ~ "Every soul will taste death"

- Ali Imran; 185

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