Thursday, April 21, 2011


Happy (rainy) Friday from Korea.

I am planning on having a pretty chill weekend. I feel like I have been going non-stop for the past couple of months and I desperately need a "sleep until noon" Saturday. Some of my friends are trying to plan a bungee jumping trip for tomorrow morning in Bungdang, which sounds awesome. But I am afraid to say that I am too big of wimp to try jumping right now. Maybe some time soon.

There is talk of checking out the Seoul Racetrack (서울경마공원) on Saturday afternoon (depending on the weather). I keep hearing great things about this place and who isn't always in the mood for betting on some racing animals. I hope the rain holds off for Saturday so I can check out the tracks.

This week's Kpop Friday video is pretty ridiculous. It is UV's "Itaewon Freedom" ft. JY Park.

I don't know much about UV, but I think they are a comedian team made up of Yoo Sae Yoon and Muzie. They teamed up with JY Park (CEO of JYP Entertainment) for this new hit song. "Itaewon Freedom" has a comic 80's punk vibe that makes it a lot of fun to watch. I like seeing Korean's in 80's clothes with party mullets.

Happy Friday and please enjoy UV and J.Y Park's "Itaewon Freedom."

I did not know this at first, but after a little research I figured out it is a ridiculous 80's parody on The London Boy's video "Harlem Desire." Here is the original video.

For more information:

They are singing about Itaewon, which is the foreigner district in Seoul. Walking around Itaewon feels like you are walking around America. There will be a Taco Bell on your left and a Subway on your right, followed by a Nike Store and a store that says, "Clothes for Big People." It is full of Waygooks (foreigners in Korean) and US military personal. Itaewon began as the foreigner magnet of Seoul because one of the largest US military bases is right next door. It is known to be semi slimy and skeezy by Koreans, which the video portrays.

I usually find myself heading to Itaewon for western food. Every Tuesday, many restaurants in Itaewon have great specials on dinner, like 5,000 won cheeseburgers, 5,000 won ribs and 6,000 won fish and chips.

Have a great weekend!

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