Saturday, October 30, 2010

† Happy Halloween 2010 †

Happy Halloween 2010. Well, is there Halloween in Malaysia? Short answer? No, not really. Halloween, if it can be found at all here, is barely visible to the naked eye.

Halloween is something of a non-event in this country. While the stores in much of the western world are without a doubt by now ensconced in Halloween candy, decor, costumes, pumpkins, and all manner of things Halloween, in Malaysia there is nary a sign of it. It is decidedly odd to not see any advertising or preparations for trick-or-treaters, haunted houses, or costume parties. What an interesting festival to miss.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I cannot study if.......

Setiap orang ada cara study nya tersendiri. Tapi bagi aku, kalau barang-barang ni tak wujud, confirm tak boleh study!

-Redbull! Sumber tenaga daku ketika exam yang membuat daku kuat bagai lembu jantan!

-Cap Kapak. Pening study tros sapu untuk kelegaan ;D

-Jajan. Mulut ni kalau tak nguyah memang tak boleh. My fav would be benda bulat warna oren yang sungguh yumms ini! Super Ring!

-Mineral water. Banyakkan minum air. Bagus untuk minda, InsyaAllah

-Highlighter pelbagai colour. Saya suka nota yang berwarna-warni ;D (warna kuning faa pinjam)

-Music. Tade duit beli Ipod, dengar lagu pakai E71 sudeiyh.

-A very large space. Tak suka study kat meja, sempit. Kat lantai boleh baring2 (sebab tu selalu tertido *sigh*) (Psssst, sepah gilaaaa )

-Study plan. A well-planned one will help. (Tapi macam tak ikut je. *haha*)

- Surah Yassin. Penenang jiwa =)

(P/S: masa post ni, nak study Land Law tak masuk. Tatkala orang lain sibuk belajar, aku sibuk berblogging)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Korean Cell Phones

As most of you know, South Korea is one of the technology capitals of the world. The second and third largest mobile phone companies in the world, Samsung and LG, are both Korean companies (source). Therefore, Korea has the largest share in the mobile phone market and it is visible in their culture.According to MSNBC over 93% of Koreans had a cell phone in 2009 and the number has been rising. Suprisingly, this statistic is easy to believe after living here for 2 months. Almost every single person I have seen has had a cell phone in their hand. My Co-Teachers have told me that Korean children usually get a cell phone once they enter elementary school, age 8. And my friends who work in elementary schools can attest to it! Every single student in my middle school has a cell phone. Even the extremely old Korean men and women I see on the subway have their cell phones in their hands texting.
There are also mega cell phone stores at every corner. Each store has hundreds of phones for sale and is somehow always busy. Check out this picture of the cell phone mega store in my building.
Koreans use their cell phones constantly for many things other than phone calls. They text like no other 13 year old I have ever seen and they stream live TV on their phones 24/7. Anytime you find yourself on public transportation in Korean more than half of the people on your bus/train/subway will be watching TV on their cell phones. Amazing right?

Here is the commercial for the newest Samsung phone: The Galaxy (i-phoneish) (people are going crazy for it here).

Last but not least here is a photo of my very own Korean cell phone. My students have told me the nick name for my phone is "The Ice Cream Phone." So whenever I have my phone out at school students walk by screaming, "Teacha got a ice cram phoney". Also cell phone charms are the only way to go here. I have two on my phone right now. The white charm is for my cell phone charger. All chargers in Korea are universal, therefore, each phone has an attachment to the charger. Most people wear it was a charm. My second charm are two golden pigs I won in a sniper bb gun contest on the streets of Bucheon (true story).
I picked out the cheapest phone in the store, the free one with starting a phone plan. However, I did not expect how cool it would turn out to be. The free phones in Korea come with free streaming of live TV and phone to phone video chat (yes like the i-phone 4). Pretty much this simple looking Korean flip phone is the best phone I have ever had. However, all the TV is in Korean, so I don't watch it often!
Overall, two thumbs up for Korean cell phones. Keep it up Korea!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Happy Friday everyone. I have had a great week in Bucheon. Fall has come to Korea and the leaves have started to change. It is now the perfect weather for taking walks around the park and for going hiking. This weekend I am planning on hiking Mt. Bukhansan (the highest mountain in the Seoul area). It should be beautiful and I can't wait to finally see what all the Korean hiking fuss is about.
On Saturday, I am heading to the Asia Song Festival at the Seoul Olympic Stadium, which is a huge concert held on the behalf of the G 20 Summit that is happening in Seoul on November 11-12 2010. The Asia Song Festival is a "music festival with all of Asia's greatest stars in one concert to bring Asia together as a hub for cultural enhancement." This is the KPOP concert of all KPOP concerts and the tickets are FREE! Famous KPOP bands such as BoA, Rain, Lee Seoung chul, KARA, 2AM, BEAST and 4minute will be performing. Oh and last but not least, it is hosted by Jackie Chan. I am beyond excited and I will be sure to share the experience with you next week.

In preparation for the Asia Song Festival, I have been listening to some of the artists performing and I have found my new favorite song, "I My Me Mine" by 4minute. 4minute is an 5 girl Korean pop group. They are working with Universal to produce an international album currently. They are tons of fun and I am looking forward to seeing them in concert on Saturday!

Have a great weekend and enjoy "I My Me Mine" by 4minute.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Korean Markets

Even though Korea is very modernized and large grocery stores and mega department stores litter the streets, most towns/cities/villages in Korea still have their own traditional markets. These local markets carry an assortment of amenities like tons Korean cuisine including, meat, fish and kimchi galore. Many markets also have beauty supplies, bedding, toys, kitchen wear, clothing and pretty much anything else you would ever need. Please enjoy some the pictures I have been taking at markets around Korea. These pictures include Guri Market, Bucheon Market, Ggangtong Market and Jagalchi Market. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 14, 2010



(Tidak mengikut susunan)

1) Become a top, bribe-free, dedicated judge!

2) Marry the man i love, have 12 cute kids with him. *haha*

3) Visit all the famous football stadiums in the world.

(stadium ini is A MUST)

4) Watch Arsenal FC live in action

(those boys are waiting for me!)

5) Take my parents for Haj in Makkah ;)

(InsyaAllah one day i'l be here with my parents)

6) Buy a luxurious car. (Audi R8 is in mind *haha*)

(imagine driving this car pegi KBMall, *haha*)

7) Open-up a restaurant. The main cuisine would be masakan kampung. Yumss!

(nak konsep cam restaurant kat atas which is in Langkawi)

8) Own a bungalow at suburb area

(memang tak kua umah aa! *haha*)

9) Join The Amazing Race. I want my mum to be in my team!

(mama, menang sejuta kita pegi Shopping ok!)

10) Master a music instrument (Bukan kompang ye!) *haha*

Ok, berangan je x cukup! Now, i need to pull my ass off for the freaking finals. Less than 2 weeks fom now, the Battle of Life Part VII begins! Nak fulfil all the wishes above, aku haruslah belaja bersungguh-sungguh, dapat result best-best, dapat kerja besau-besau, tak lama badan pun semakin besau..*Haha*

To those yang bakal menghadapi Finals, the bestest of luck daku ucapkan! Tak salah nak korbankan keseronokan buat sementara waktu tapi tamo lah study secara tension. Take a break in between your studies. Bila stress sangat, berenti jap. Take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of the world. Jangan lupa besides studying smart, doa n solat hajat pun penting. ;)

Sekian! =)

(P/S: Fatin Shafira is coughing really hard sampai nak tercabut anak tekak*sighh*)


Happy Friday everyone!

I hope everyone has great plans for this wonderful fall weekend. I am heading into downtown Seoul tonight for the weekend. We are planning on going out in Gaganam tonight, known as Seoul's Beverly Hills. It should be a blast and I am going to keep my eye out for some KPOP stars at the club! My Badger crew found a bar in Itaewon that is playing the Wisconsin vs. OSU game on Sunday at 1pm. So it looks like we will have a game day after all. GO BADGERS!

This week I am going to leave you with a little boy band jam from the group BEAST. The group's name stands for Boys of the EAst Standing Tall. They are also known as B2ST. Their video and look really reminds me of Backstreet Boys circa 2001. This Friday's song is called "Shock".

All my middle school girls keep telling me they are soo "hamsum".

ENJOY "Shock" by BEAST!