Tuesday, July 20, 2010

† Dilemma... Should I Go For GAMUDA †

Being a trader who don't have much money as compared to other heavy investors/traders, its not easy for me to make decision in such difficult time of economy downturn especially seeing Dow Jones Industrial Average moving up and down but at a bearish direction.

After SCOMIEN announced its dividend release, I'm sure many people are rushing into the market, hoping to gain a last minute profit before it drops this coming 28th July. I simply don't want to risk too much and I've sold all my shares at 1.60. Many of my professional and experienced friends told me that it will go up to 1.80 but... forget it.

Here's something that attracted my attention few weeks ago: GAMUDA. There were so many news saying that it is gonna be the leading construction group that holds the contract of building MRT in Kuala Lumpur next year 2011.

From my further research, yeah it is confirmed that GAMUDA group has submitted a proposal in January 2010. The proposal focuses in the benefit of having MRT in Kuala Lumpur. It is true that our Malaysia's current LRT system is totally stupid. Whats the point of having a non-centralized LRT system running around in KL city? STAR-LRT, PUTRA-LRT, KTM, MONORAIL... what the heck. Look at London, Paris and Barcelona. Their transit system is so well organized and it covers almost every part of the city. Come on Malaysia, you can do better than this! Source: The Edge, CIMB, OSK

So whats holding me back? Pardon my mistakes because I'm not professional. These are just my point of view.

1. The price is already at a high end. If the prediction about a double dip of economy down fall is true, then I'll be in a deep shit buying it in such high price. My concept is simple: buy low sell high. Gotta be patience to wait for such 'buy low' concept. Of course I can be wrong too. If it goes up and up and up, then its a great news to everyone.

2. I gotta admit that I'm not really good in Technical Analysis (TA) as I only use TA as my indicator. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) somehow isn't convincing me to execute a 'buy'. Further more, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is somehow another important indicator for me and it shows an overbought status.

3. Fundamental Analysis (FA) is part of my way of analyze it. I gotta say that, I wasn't that convinced enough about GAMUDA too. Its quarter report in April 2010 shows an EPS of 3.62. If say the current price is 3.36, it gives a PE of 24. Thats that is freaky high and I usually won't go for company with a PE of higher than 10.

Go or wait? I'm still in a dilemma...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This is me, and I'm sorry I cannot change

McKenzie: [drunk] So do you have a boyfriend?

Summer: No.

McKenzie: Why not?

Summer: Because I don’t want one.

McKenzie: Come on; I don’t believe that.

Summer: You don’t believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?

McKenzie: Are you a lesbian?

Summer: [laughing] No I’m not a lesbian. I just, don’t feel comfortable being anyone’s girlfriend. I don’t actually feel comfortable being anyone’s anything.

McKenzie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Summer: Really?

McKenzie: Nope.

Summer: Ok, let me break it down for you–

McKenzie: Break it down!

Summer: Ok. I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later.

McKenzie: You’re a dude. [to Tom] She’s a dude!

Tom: Ok but wait–wait. What happens, if you fall in love?

[she scoffs]

Tom: What?

Summer: You don’t believe that, do you?

Tom: It’s love, it’s not Santa Claus.

*Summer reminds of myself.. *pfftttt*

Friday, July 16, 2010

† What The Heck? Japanese Craziness! †

There are so many weirdly funny Japanese videos available in YouTube. Seriously, what the heck? Note: if you're watching the videos below, you may pause the music on your right side of the side bar.

The New Instrument: Otomatone

Otomatone is the most annoying instrument I've ever encountered. After you watch the video above, you might think the word "otomatone" means "tone-deaf". If you wanna annoy people around you, please buy Otomatone.

10 vs 100 Soccer Match

An intense soccer match between 10 professionals and 100 students on the field. The professionals initially leading by 2-0 but the match was tied up with an equalizer of 2-2 at the middle of the match. With a tremendous pass and a heroic kick by the professional player, they won by 3-2.

Slow Mo Vids

Slow motion is an artistic effect. It gives you the effect of gorgeousness, and also to create a romantic aura. However, these do not apply in the video above.

Athletic Treadmill Contest

Cardio sport is definitely good for your health. If you force yourself to run, your stamina improves, your muscle builds up, your heart pumps efficiently, your blood circulates better. However if you failed to do so, you're gonna be punished...

Pac Man Brings You Paccooman

Pac Man A wasn't happy about the unfairness in the game of Pac Man B. The monsters seemed to avoid Pac Man B but they attacked aggressively whenever Pac Man A stepped into the game.

Green Tea Commercial

To the top for the best! Drink green tea~ A cute funny green tea commercial being used in Thailand television.

Machine Girl... Are You Serious?

What kind of trailer is this?

Pantyhose Ugliness

No matter how pretty you are. Once your face got into a pantyhose, its distorted.

It's 3rd Semester of BLS yaww!! ;)

Baru 2 weeks naik semester baru, but I feel like this semester cam dah lamaaa gilaaa!! *Haha*

So far, ok laa, takdela tahap “best gilaaa”, biasa-biasa je ;)

Lectures & Lecturers

Land Law: Pn Hamsiah seems such a cool lecturer! Sporting! And I don’t know why, im really looking forward to learn this subject.. Land is such a very interesting matter to dig. Mana lah tahu, tibe-tibe jadi hartanah ke nanti. *haha*

Admin Law: Admin Law is part of consti Law. And I adore consti! *haha* the lecture given is very clear tapi part yang there’s no break at all tuu yang sakit sikit.. *hehe*

Criminal Law: There’s something about the lecturer. Budak-budak ni cakap En Shukree ada auranya tersendiri. But takut la nak speak up in his class, setiap apa yang kita suarakan must be followed by facts and the relevant laws, tak boleh main cakap je. But still, I love the class as we are all criminals in our own way!! *haha*

Equity & Trust: Pn Minnal best! But as for tutor, mr John tak tahu lagi macam mana. Mula-mula cuak gak sebab no notes and we have to jot down notes in every lecture, but believe me, it does keep us alert!

Law and Politics: It’s gonna be an incredibly exhilarating class. *Hehe* The lecturer? No comment la saya. *Haha*

BEL: PM Angeline pon best gak! My second time belajar dengan beliau. Tapi agak kecuakan la. Presentation memang best tapi 100% is on-going assessment. *Fuhh*

KO: I’m taking commercial music this sem. *Hehe* Nak cuba something different la this semester. And if possible, I wanna learn how to play drum (sebab main guitar dah fail)


Class: LWBO3E. Everlasting, Eternal, Endless E!! Kami sekelas sangat loyal with our group! I love my crazy, fun, classmates!! Thanks for having faith in me to be your class rep again this semester! Hopefully, we will stay together until the very end of BLS and dapat masuk LLB sama-sama! *wink*

Housemates: The Kristal Gang (as named by Sir Helmi)
I love you girls so freaaaking much!! Thank for being there with me through ups and downs. I feel like lots of unfortunate things happen to me, but thanks for keeping me stronger. You girls mmg terbaik!!

SMF: The truth is, I almost quit from SMF. Because of pressure? No No! Because of transportation problem and I afraid I cannot commit . But kakak-kakak dan abang-abang SMF sangat supportive and understanding! Love guys lahh! ;)

Familia: We are apart but Kakak rindu korang setiap masa. I even balik last weekend nak jumpa korang, kononnya nak balik sebab kena kena mengurut. *Hehe* You guys are the main reason I study hard to achieve the best. (Study hard la sangat, main-main je all the time.*haha*)

You: thanks for being such an amazing friend. ;)

Quote of the day:
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. ~Robert Frost

(P/S: Happy birthday to my dear hoUsemate, Sara Adila Idrose and to my wacky bro, Norman Hakim <3>

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

† TiK ToK by Versecity †

Versecity is a band formed in year 2008 and the band members consist of Micah Walker, Marcus Edwards III, Daniel Rascoe, Jared Kindel and Nelson Baradat from Houston. Versecity performs a number of catchy songs and one of the best recordings is gotta be TiK ToK.

TiK ToK is the debut single by Kesha. It was released in year 2009 and it scored the biggest single-week sum of all time for a female artist selling 610,000 digital downloads in one week. As in June 2010 (according to Wikipedia) the single had sold 4.9 million downloads in the United States alone. Kesha's TiK ToK has been played in many radio stations for weeks and in fact this song is one of the most favorite clubbing songs for many clubs and cafe.

Versecity has done a great job performing an alternative rock version of Kesha's TiK ToK. I heard this version being played in the radio when I was doing my shopping in Cotton On Mid Valley last week and I never knew there's such version exists.

I've finally put my search into an end when I found Versecity's YouTube profile and I think you should take a glance at the video of them doing the recording. It was totally owning! Micah's powerful voice, Dan's solid drum beats, Marcus and Nelson's guitar playing plus Jared's bass along with the background singers made the song sound even more energetic than Kesha's version. Click here to listen and download TiK ToK by Versecity.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Predator 1987 vs Predators 2010

Predator 1987 vs Predators 2010, how does the new version compare with the original version? The 1987 original has become a modern classic regarded as an ultra-tough action film, led by the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger.


I still remember how my dad first introduced me to this movie back in 1990 when I was 6 years old. I wasn't that interested with army war type of show and I still remember my attention was totally off the television when I see Arnold acted as Dutch, the commander of an elite force, holding his gun shooting at the terrorists in the jungle.

The strange thing was that, there were so many infrared heat sensor scenes being showed in the movie and I don't understand what on Earth this heat sensor things got to do with the whole stories.

Here comes the fun part: Dutch and his crew was ambushed by an outer space, high-tech, laser-equipped and invisible alien known as the predator. This thing can not only turn camouflage like a chameleon, it can also attacks human with all its super high tech weapons, as well as seeing human via its heat sensing visor.

"If it bleeds, we can kill it..." A memorable quote by Dutch. Well said, Dutch found a way to hide his body heat from the predator and his new aim was to kill the predator instead of escaping.

The truth under the mask: You're one ugly motha farka. I can never expect a godlike predator has such distorted face. Well then, nothing is perfect.


In Predators 2010, the storyline is rather more confusing and its not as simple straight forward as the previous one.

In the new version, the heroes are not as tough as the previous one especially the team leader, Royce acted by Adrien Brody. The one and only remarkable thing about him is that, this guy is faster than the old bulky Dutch.

I guess if the producer just wanna copy the previous script, it would be firstly, too boring to watch a same script twice and secondly, the original one was too good especially when it is acted by Arnold. Thus, to make the whole new movie looks good and unique, the whole hunting progress takes place in an unknown alien planet.

Well, what I guess was right: Writer/producer Robert Rodriguez admitted that "we can't compete with Arnold, so its much better to go another direction to do something unexpected". In my opinion, Predators 2010 is considered 'not bad' but of course, most people watch this movie simply because of the original one. If you haven't watch the original Predator 1987, I think its time that you should go grab one DVD or you can download the movie from here via torrent.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What a way to begin the semester~~

All my life, I’ve always experience an awful first day or first week at school, hostel or even college.

Back in 2006, my 3-day experience at MRSM P.Chepa was nothing but a bitter memory. I lost my locker key on the first fucking day there. I rarely ate because I didn’t fancy the food there. I was the only ex-government student in a class with other 23 ex-MRSM students. *akwardness* I wore the same baju kurung in 3 days. *Euuuw* I was no longer the joyful Fatin Shafira that I used to be. Blah Blah Blah. Now you know why I called it a 3-day experience because I was only there for THREE days, even the school is only a 15-minute-journey from my home. *Haha* And I glad I did that, SM Zainab (1) is the best school ever *wink*

2008; First day of class at UiTM Shah Alam. Due to my negligence, I lost my file which encloses important documents, including my scholar form. The incident was quite funny. I was on my way to class. My phone rang and in order to answer the phone, I put my file on a car. And yeah, I totally forgot about the file until I was in the class. When I tried to look for the file, the car wasn’t there anymore!! I tried to look for it everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. Worse, it was raining heavily during the night. The next day, a senior found the file and called me. But yes, dokumen-dokumen itu sudah basah dan terkoyak that I have to make a new one. Tak pasal-pasar kena panggil Mrs Bean sebab Mr Bean pernah tertinggal kasut atas bonet kereta. *Haha*

My first week this new semester.

It was a week ago, 1.30 pm that the horrifying accident happened. We were on our way to Shah Alam in order to send DBH 1969 back to Shah Alam. Only God knows what did really happen because to me, how the car fell into the big ditch is quite bizarre. Once it fell, the car didn’t stop there, it was continuing moving in the ditch until a stone stopped the car. Lagi 5 metres was clift kot. Pelik jugak kenapa suddenly ada batu. Alhamdulillah, my family didn’t suffer any major injuries. Mama je yang injured sikit.

I had rough days in Shah Alam afterwards. Losing a car is like losing one leg. (quoted from a friend of mine). DBH 1969, which I paid, and still paying 53% of the monthly payment using my own JPA scholar, is now in workshop for God knows how long. I had difficulties in going to class, and getting back to Kristal. Dahlah my schedule banyak gap, so ada this one day, I waited 4 hours for the next class sebab malas nak balik. ( Tngok-tngok class cancel!) Worse, bila ada meeting SMF during the night. But I’m lucky sebab ada kawan-kawan yang tumpangkan. Thank you kawan! My morale was quite low for few days. I cried all the time. Like, seriously, two accidents in just 6 months? Honestly, I’m a bit traumatized. But, I should be thankful that I am still alive.

But I feel better now. In fact, stronger than ever. This week teaches me a lot. I learn valuable lessons. Thanks to my family and friends.

To my family especially mama yang banyak bagi kata-kata semangat; friends who really care and always there for me (I don’t need to name, because you guys know who you are!!); I couldn’t thank more to Him for giving me you people. You guys are the reason why I am still standing strong today.

Hugs and Kisses from me. <3


I’ll miss you =’(

Batu oh Batu!

Picture taken 2 weeks before the accident. (Barang-barang Arsenal ni sempat diselamatkan ok..*haha*)

Quote of the day:

I have no regrets in my life. I think everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through building character, making you a much stronger person ~ Rita Mero