Thursday, July 8, 2010

What a way to begin the semester~~

All my life, I’ve always experience an awful first day or first week at school, hostel or even college.

Back in 2006, my 3-day experience at MRSM P.Chepa was nothing but a bitter memory. I lost my locker key on the first fucking day there. I rarely ate because I didn’t fancy the food there. I was the only ex-government student in a class with other 23 ex-MRSM students. *akwardness* I wore the same baju kurung in 3 days. *Euuuw* I was no longer the joyful Fatin Shafira that I used to be. Blah Blah Blah. Now you know why I called it a 3-day experience because I was only there for THREE days, even the school is only a 15-minute-journey from my home. *Haha* And I glad I did that, SM Zainab (1) is the best school ever *wink*

2008; First day of class at UiTM Shah Alam. Due to my negligence, I lost my file which encloses important documents, including my scholar form. The incident was quite funny. I was on my way to class. My phone rang and in order to answer the phone, I put my file on a car. And yeah, I totally forgot about the file until I was in the class. When I tried to look for the file, the car wasn’t there anymore!! I tried to look for it everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. Worse, it was raining heavily during the night. The next day, a senior found the file and called me. But yes, dokumen-dokumen itu sudah basah dan terkoyak that I have to make a new one. Tak pasal-pasar kena panggil Mrs Bean sebab Mr Bean pernah tertinggal kasut atas bonet kereta. *Haha*

My first week this new semester.

It was a week ago, 1.30 pm that the horrifying accident happened. We were on our way to Shah Alam in order to send DBH 1969 back to Shah Alam. Only God knows what did really happen because to me, how the car fell into the big ditch is quite bizarre. Once it fell, the car didn’t stop there, it was continuing moving in the ditch until a stone stopped the car. Lagi 5 metres was clift kot. Pelik jugak kenapa suddenly ada batu. Alhamdulillah, my family didn’t suffer any major injuries. Mama je yang injured sikit.

I had rough days in Shah Alam afterwards. Losing a car is like losing one leg. (quoted from a friend of mine). DBH 1969, which I paid, and still paying 53% of the monthly payment using my own JPA scholar, is now in workshop for God knows how long. I had difficulties in going to class, and getting back to Kristal. Dahlah my schedule banyak gap, so ada this one day, I waited 4 hours for the next class sebab malas nak balik. ( Tngok-tngok class cancel!) Worse, bila ada meeting SMF during the night. But I’m lucky sebab ada kawan-kawan yang tumpangkan. Thank you kawan! My morale was quite low for few days. I cried all the time. Like, seriously, two accidents in just 6 months? Honestly, I’m a bit traumatized. But, I should be thankful that I am still alive.

But I feel better now. In fact, stronger than ever. This week teaches me a lot. I learn valuable lessons. Thanks to my family and friends.

To my family especially mama yang banyak bagi kata-kata semangat; friends who really care and always there for me (I don’t need to name, because you guys know who you are!!); I couldn’t thank more to Him for giving me you people. You guys are the reason why I am still standing strong today.

Hugs and Kisses from me. <3


I’ll miss you =’(

Batu oh Batu!

Picture taken 2 weeks before the accident. (Barang-barang Arsenal ni sempat diselamatkan ok..*haha*)

Quote of the day:

I have no regrets in my life. I think everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through building character, making you a much stronger person ~ Rita Mero

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