Monday, September 29, 2008

† Soft Toys That I Would Keep †


The word "domo" sounds polite and you can never be able to relate it with this particular monster shown below.

*Gaaaarhhh I'm Domo Kun!!ドウモくん!! *

Cute isn't it? Domo Kun has lotsa ugly name like chocolate chunk, shit monster or carpet creature but these names made it even cuter.

*Gaaah!! Out of my way!!*

*Gaaah!! You're annoying!!*


I love the concept that saying "soft toy ain't cute". Looking at the bear below, it makes me laugh.

Introducing... the Gloomy Bear. The first thing you would notice: blood dripping out of its mouth. Why why why?

Secondly, you would notice its claw, filled with blood too. Why why why?

So here's the answer, according to the story, Gloomy Bear is a violent bear that eats human. Man... I love this concept.

Gloomy, an abandoned little bear, is rescued by Pitty (the little boy). Initially, it was cute and cuddly, but has become more wilder as he grows up. Since bears do not become attached to people like dogs or cats by nature, Gloomy attacks Pitty even though he is the owner. That is why Gloomy has blood (Pitty's blood) on him.

† I Care About My Hair †

Gatsby, a commonly known hair wax product. 6 colors are available where each of them has its own property. I simply love the design of the shape of their container, as well as their colors.

I've tried all the above except for the pink color one. Green... too oily. Blue... too sticky. Grey... too dry and hard, it makes you feel that your fingers are sticked together. Purple... slightly weaker than the grey one. Personally I find the orange one is suitable for me.

In term of the hair holding power, personally I think the older generation of Gatsby did the best.

My hair was quite long few years back when I was studying my degree in Scotland and my friends and I happened to join a Halloween party organized by the university student's affair. I decided to turn myself into a vampire. Instead of making me a dull looking vampire, I spiked up my hair so that I look like Super Saiyan of Dragon Ball. Thanks to Gatsby's crazy strong wax, my hair was able to stand up straight without falling down for hours. Of course I had a hard time washing my hair. Thats the bad part about Gatsby :(

Now that I'm working and I can no longer spike up my hair like last time. I have to switch my hair product to something 'softer' and therefore I choose Osis+ Thrill. From what I checked from the internet, the price is supposed to be RM50++ but I'm lucky enough to get it cheaper at the price of RM30 each O_o

p/s Try not to use too much of hair wax. There are researches indicate that hair wax promote allopecia... you know... hair drop.
*Thanks pinklynn for reminding me of Osis+

Sunday, September 28, 2008

† Adidas Super Star Wars †

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The trilogy of Star Wars was a success that even famous shoe company Adidas has incorporated Star Wars element into their products.

Introducing you these two pairs of shoes... Darth Vader and Master Yoda.

†Darth Vader†

Its pretty easy to design a shoe that resembles Darth Vader isn't it? All you need to do is just make sure its black in color =P

And ahhh... dark side... Whenever you think of dark side, a red lightsaber is always there. Therefore the tip of the shoe laces are red in color too.

Question: Why wear Darth Vader?
Answer: I hate you Darth Vader. I'm going to wear you everyday and by imagining that I'm stepping on you, it makes me feel good.

†Master Yoda†

Personally I think Master Yoda is kinda hard to be incorporated into shoe design. The first color I think of is green and I don't think many people will like shoe that looks like frog. However Adidas made the shoe slightly pinkish.

As for this shoe, the tip of the shoe laces are green in color in order to fit the green lightsaber of light side.

Question: Why wear Master Yoda?
Answer: I love you so much Master Yoda... I want to feel you everyday by wearing you every single moment.

I love this picture so much as it looks like Master Yoda is battling Darth Vader with their respective lightsaber.

† Reef Flip Flop Stash Sandal †

ROFL... Before you know why do I laugh, lets take a look at the picture below.

I'm sure you know this brand Reef. Its a brand for beach wear and it goes well with Billabong and Quick Silver. Recently, Reef launches an interesting model known as Stash Reef where you can do things like pictures below.

Its particularly useful for people who's hardworking to go to beach, but lazy to carry things with them. I realize keys are really annoying especially when you go for swimming session. Therefore I do think this sandal fits the purpose.

They look normal when the 'drawer' is sealed up.

Imagine what will happen if you accidentally step on a piece of bull shit? Will you dare to take the key out without washing your sandal?

Lets imagine you and your friends were enjoying the seaside and one of your friends asked: "Hey dude, lets have a glass of beer." "Sure dude," as you replied, you saw your friend took up his sandal, and beer started flowing out from his sandal. Will you drink that beer? Eeeeewww... please....

† Hand Made SpyPod †

† I was randomly searching for information about iPod and I lucky me, I came across this interesting website about a handmade SpyPod. Initially I was thinking "what the hell is this". When I read carefully, I was stunned by its awesomeness. Woooooooaaa.... ;O

SpyPod is a multitasking tool used by special agent or syndicates in their process of spying around in enemy's base. The size of SpyPod should be bigger than iPod I guess. Maybe its about the size of iPod Video.

Lets take a clearer look at this handmade SpyPod... This SpyPod contains:

1) A reflective screen, enables you to send Morse code to your partner or group members. Woohoo...

2) Decoder ring? O_o I have no idea what is this, lets skip this.

3) Hah... magnifying glass + telescope. Thats why this thing is called SpyPod aye?

4) The final thing to use. A gun! The author mentioned the word rubberband gun. I wasn't sure what is a rubberband gun and I do a further search about rubberband gun and I found something more impressive.

The word rubberband gun catches my attention and I continue my searching and guess what, I found this interesting video about Rubberband Gun (click the word to view this interesting video).

It makes me feel like buying one... gosh... >.<

Friday, September 26, 2008

† Romantic Pendrive †

"Let's store every single moment and memory of us in this little thing."

Will a girl say no to such lovely pendrive? I guess no because I can't resist either.

As I surf around in the internet, I found many more fashionable pendrives are available in the market. I realize that they are trying to make technology fashionable to wear. The gold pendrive above is actually a wearable necklace.

Such pendrives are sooooo not pendrive because of its luxurious design.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

† iPod Addicts †

†Here's some interesting gadgets that you can get for your iPod. People take their iPods everywhere. It doesn't matter on the run, in the car or at the gym, our iPods follow with us to the ends of the earth… lol. However, we can bring our iPods everywhere except places near water.

This gadgets have made all iPod lovers' dream come true, which is to bring their iPods to places with water. You can even shower together with your iPod.

You need to shave with your iPod on too!? Okay, I think this gadget would be suitable for such individual.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

† Flyleaf - I'm So Sick †

"I will break into your thoughts... With what's written on my heart... I will... BREAK!!!!" This is the unique part of the song which attracts me when the vocal Lacey Mosley makes an explosive scream: "BREAK~!!".

This song "I'm So Sick" starts with a moody minor scale bass intro, follows by Lacey's ethereal voice before the guitars and drums crash in like a rock being throw thru a glass window. What I like the most, is that the vocalist being able to strain her voice so extremely and goes back light right after that. This song is just too awesome.

To listen to Flyleaf's I'm So Sick, click here.

♫ Vitas: Russian Opera Singer ♫

♫ My brother Yuen has came across a truly amazing Russian Opera Singer who can raise his voice for a few octaves. (In music, an octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency) When he does so, his voice seriously sound like a girl. It sounds funny initially when he shouted but if you listen for a few times, you will find that it’s really a nice song although I have no idea what the hell he is singing. Check the video out.

♫ Its funny to see people in the backround, where they flail around when he does the AAAAHHHHHAHHHHAHAHAHHH thing.

♫ AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAHHHHAAAHAAHAAAA!!!! The super shout by Vitas... lol :p

♫ Here something funny that is related to Vitas. Really funny. Can't stop laughing at it.
➸Click Here To Watch➸

♫ Funny but I respect that specky guy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ஐ Granado Espada: Online Game ஐ

Recently I'm kind of addicted to this online game and its simply just way too juicier than any other games that I've ever played. Granado Espada distinguishes itself from many online games with the concept of Multiple Character Control where users are allowed to control up to 3 characters in the game. In the game, 5 different classes of characters are available: Fighter, Musketeer, Wizard, Scout and Elementalist.


Serve as the front line of a team as they are able to take an excessive amount of damage. Also, the Fighters have the most stances (skills) of any class and can use the widest array of weapons.


Musketeers are a powerful ranged class able to deal extensive damage to grounded or flying enemies. Musketeers have the most powerful single attack in the game, but can be expensive to support as they need a large supply of bullets for long quests.


A balanced magic-using class with a wide array of skills, including teleportation magic and levitation magic as well as offensive magic, with area of effect (AOE) attacks at higher levels.


Elementalists are purely offensive magic users. The Elementalist pulls their magic from powerful Bracelets of Fire, Ice and Lightning. At higher levels, the Elementalist can use two Bracelets at once, synergizing multiple elements for extremely powerful attacks.


The one and only healer class that can buff and heal teh team members. Their stances such as First Aid, Fortitudo, Tactical Assistance and Install Trap are assistance stances. Their offensive stances, Escrima and Dobalada Corte, use daggers which are somewhat ineffective against large or heavy armored enemies.