Tengok gambar Hollywood couple ni sumpah rasa jealous sebab they are so perfectly adorable together and comel gilaaaaa ♥♥♥ Nak buat cam diorang kt public even kalau dah kawen pun mesti kena ada yang mengutuk an kann. *haha*
♥♥ David and Victoria Beckham ♥♥
They had been married for 12 years. True, in their marriage there had been ups and downs, highs and lows but they still together,strong as ever. tapi itulah lumrah perkahwinan kan. Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit. Kita tengok parents kita pun kadang2 berperang mulut but at the end of the day, they still love each other unconditionally. Tak gaduh lansung pun tak best gak an =P And oh, the last thing I know, they are expecting their fourth child real soon! Hopefully this time it would be a baby girl! ;)
♥♥Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgen ♥♥
Yang ni lagi satu couple yang comel gila. Yang laki, sumpah getting handsomer each day; yang girl pulak memang hot-tak-hengagt-dunia. Look at the way they look in each others' eyes! *Gulp* Luluh jantung tengok! They had been together since 2007 and they did split up in 2010. But no worries, they got back together!! *yeay* A break up doesnt mean forever kan ;)
♥♥Chuck and Blair ♥♥
I know they are not together in real world but some people watch GG just to see 'em. They truly complete each other kan? And their acting nampak cam real lover kot. I am no GG fan but I have lots of pictures of 'em together. Chuck and Blair forever! ♥
(P/S: Mama nak kawen boley? :D )