Tengok gambar Hollywood couple ni sumpah rasa jealous sebab they are so perfectly adorable together and comel gilaaaaa ♥♥♥ Nak buat cam diorang kt public even kalau dah kawen pun mesti kena ada yang mengutuk an kann. *haha*
♥♥ David and Victoria Beckham ♥♥
They had been married for 12 years. True, in their marriage there had been ups and downs, highs and lows but they still together,strong as ever. tapi itulah lumrah perkahwinan kan. Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit. Kita tengok parents kita pun kadang2 berperang mulut but at the end of the day, they still love each other unconditionally. Tak gaduh lansung pun tak best gak an =P And oh, the last thing I know, they are expecting their fourth child real soon! Hopefully this time it would be a baby girl! ;)
♥♥Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgen ♥♥
Yang ni lagi satu couple yang comel gila. Yang laki, sumpah getting handsomer each day; yang girl pulak memang hot-tak-hengagt-dunia. Look at the way they look in each others' eyes! *Gulp* Luluh jantung tengok! They had been together since 2007 and they did split up in 2010. But no worries, they got back together!! *yeay* A break up doesnt mean forever kan ;)
♥♥Chuck and Blair♥♥
I know they are not together in real world but some people watch GG just to see 'em. They truly complete each other kan? And their acting nampak cam real lover kot. I am no GG fan but I have lots of pictures of 'em together. Chuck and Blair forever! ♥
♥ 3 handbags. One is given by him. Thanks sayangg!! ♥ 1 pair of cotton-on wedges ♥ 1 pair of flat shoes ♥ 1 pair of black-heels-boots *given by the person that i love the most, Mama* ♥ A new white top ♥ A black cardi to be worn with sleeveless tops ♥ A button front skirt ♥ Brown corset belt yang sangat murah ♥ Pre-loved Forever21 jacket
Bukan selalu dapat shopping, nak-nak pelajar miskin cam daku ni. *sighhh* Bila dah masuk scholar, apa lagi? Masa untuk habeskannyaaa! *ehee* Disebabkan shop tak hengat dunia, pasni terpaksa la kira duit syiling nak beli maggi. Tak sampai seminggu kot jadi OKB *Orang Kaya baru*, now dah miskin balik. *haha*
I cannot wait to go for shopping tomorrow. I'm gon' shop till i drop babyyy! It's time utk habiskan duit JPA ituuuu! *ahaa*
"When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it's not, and I need to do it again."- Rebecca Bloomwood, Confession of a shopaholic.
Sometimes I prefer to be alone, but not this time. My housemates already went home for this very short CNY holiday, (except for faa, who's volunteering for an event) but I have to wait for the freaking Sunday to go home.
I am wishing for Pintu-Suka-Hati-Doremon so bad now. =(
*please pause/stop the song that is playing on my blog before playing this video. This video is a must-watch!
"What kind of guy would I be if I walked out on her when she needed me the most"
Auwwww..! ='( This video almost brought me into tears. Ada lagi ke laki cam Chris ni? Most guy would probably run away. He's truly an inspiration and guys should learn something from him. Ni dah kahwin pun, bila bini dah gemuk, dah tak semantap masa ngah dating dulu, teros cabot lari cari perempuan lain. Bila bini buat silap sikit pun terus meradang! Tapi daku tak cakap semua laki la. *Disclaimer ok*
Tadi dia tanya daku, "You rasa i boleh jadi camtu ke?"
Mulut ni tiba2 tergam,terdiam seribu bahasa. Bukan i tak caye you boleh jadi camtu, tapi.....i tanak menaruh harapan tinggi. I tanak kelak kecewa. I know you are one amazing guy who is always by my side through ups and downs, but....
Agak-agak kalau I accident *NAUZUBILLAH*, buat plastic surgery muka i jadi cani u sanggup terima i lagi tak?
"What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you?"- The Script, Breakeven
T-Shirt or blouse? T-Shirt! Tapi dah kena hati-hati nak beli T-Shirt sebab perot boncet, so takleh pakai T-Shirt2 kecik cam zaman kurus dulu da, kalau tak nampak cam muffin yang bertingkat..*ahaa*
High-heels or sport shoes? Dulu sangat menyintai high-heels tapi apakan daya, jalan uitm yang berbukit-bukit ni menyebabkan daku hanya mampu menyarung flat shoes.
Fruit juice or beer? beer. I mean, root beer lah AnW! Ahaa.
Candy or choc? Dua2 pun suka. *Well, tengok size la kan (sighhhh) *
Zara or Mango? Mangga.*haha* Dua2!! Kalau jeans prefer Zara, kalau top prefer mNg.
Samsung or Nokia? Nokia. Dari tadika lagi pakai Nokia. *tipu sangat*
Popcorn or coke? Dua-dua gak. Kalau tengok movie makan popcorn tade coke, tercekik kang.
Skateboarding or dancing? Berdansa bebeyhh! Biarpun the only dance that I know is Chicken Dnce ('=_=)
Justin Bieber or Bruno Mars? Darling I would catch the grenade for you and I like you just the way you are eventhough you are ain't billionaire. =P
Romeo&Juliet or Titanic? Geng Bas Sekolah *haha*
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook sebab lagi banyak gossip-gossip hangat dan terkini. Kat twitter takde orang nak follow. Sedihlah jadi orang tak famous ni. *haha*
Reading or writing or speaking or listening? Reading- paling tak suka writing- sikit-skit speaking- kalau bergossip suka la listening- paling suka
DragonBall or Barbie? The first one. Kalau masa kecik kumpul comic dragonball dari Vol1-45. Tak pernah ada barbie, banyak toys macam pistol, pedang, power rangers but yeat, i'm so girlish. *Auwww* Wekk.
Black or pink? Suka semua warna-warna yang terdapat di alam semesta ini.
A or B or C or D? A.
Celcom or Maxis? Celcom. The power is in Ryan Gigg's hands.
Manchester United or Chelsea? Gilo ko apo? ARSENAL la weyyhh!!
10 or 12? dobelas kerana mempunya hasrat ingin memiliki anak seramai itu. InsyaAllah mampu. *haha*
Fun or serious? Let's have fun babyyy!! Jom partyyyy!! *birthday party je ade orang ajak, haha*
Blusher or eyeshadow? Eyeliner.
Lipstick or gloss? Pakai lipstick then baru pakai gloss.
Straight, bisex or homo? Hmmm..sukar nak jawab sebab ada hobi pelik. selain suka ushar lelaki-lelaki hot, daku juga suka mencuci mata ushar aweks hot. *haha*
Talk or laugh? Gelak boley burn calorie. Nak gelak.
Stop or non-stop? Weyyy..dahlaaa..banyak plak soalan. Boley tak daku stop sekarang?
Oh, the rule is kena tag orang utk jawab soalan ni pulak eh? Well, siapa-siapa yang rasa bosan takde orang ajak gi open house CNY , i'm tagging YOU!! =P
It's the third week of this new semester, dan macam biasaa, dah rasa lama bebenor sem nih ngan kerja yang bertimbun, gossip yang melimpah ruah. *Ehee* So far, Alhamdulillah. Everything goes on quite well. :D
Classes and Lecturers:
Criminal Law 2: En Shukree I always enjoy criminal classes. Tapi down sikit ngan result Criminal 1. *Hee* Tapi itu bukan bermakna I will repeat the same grade. Kannnn? En Shukree pulak sangat segak bergaya; membuatkan daku tak mengantok dalam kelas. *Haha*
Land Law 2: Pn Asma Another favorite subject of mine tapi tak terer pun. Kena date ngn Land Administrator kot baru terer. *Haha* Pn Asma best! Suka tengok mata dia! *Ehee*
Mooting: Miss Umi Subject paling digeruni sem ini. Cuak gila baboon. Miss Umi best tapi I aint no mooter. Debate pun dah lama tinggalkan. Nak speaking pun entah nape terbelit-belit lidah. But on the bright side is, my moot problem is on DEFAMATION. yeay! My favorite topic in Torts 2 ;)
LRM: Dr. Sheela My group mates are Luq, Paer & Wan and I'm sure we can work really well together. *Wink* Dr Sheela pun best. Dia punya lecture sangat clear and she's very lovely ;)
Media Law (elective) : Pn Mazlina I amik subject ni sebab it is my area of interest. Nasib baik sempat register awal-awal tu. Pn Mazlina? Takyah cerita ah, sangat best!
Admin of Trust:Pn Rozita Nak belajar benda ni kena minat Equity. Bukan setakat minat tapi kena terer gak. *Haha* Dahla struggle gilaa ngn Equity last sem tapi Alhamdulillah, result equity boley tahan la even bukan A pun *Haha* Puan Rozita sekali je jumpa and she's really nice ;)
BEL : PM Hanafiah Tak suka Literature Appreciation! *Ahaa* Lecturer best tapi subject sangat dull. I'm not the type yang suka baca poems, or read novels so I know this subject will be hard for me.
LWB40E: I love my groupmates!! Ramai yang tak change class and to my new classmates, welcome to E! =) Budak-budak Group E semua sangat happening and the type yg huraahuraa! Tak sabar nak buat class trip!
This semester is slightly different with the previous one, but I'm hoping for the very best. I know it's gonna be one tiring semester, plus all the university-but-so-high-school-dramas, but I will try my best to make it the most memorable & the greatest semester ever. InsyaALLAH, semuanya akan baik-baik aja. :)
Cioww ppl!
(P/S: Cepatlah term baru SMF start, tak sabar nak gi meeting! *ehee* )
This is only a random post. Tiada kena mengena ngan sesiapa pun. But I just found these notes in tmblr (which I dont own any) and they are sweeeeett! If you are a guy, you can try these tips for ur gf or special friend *but DO drop the kissing part taw.ehee*
This weekend I was able to visit a Korean Costco courtesy of my friend Joanna, who brought her Costco card with her from America. I was surprised to learn that were seven Costco's in Korean. And even more surprised when I saw how crowded it was on a Sunday afternoon.
The real purpose of the trip was to hit up the Costco food court for a massive 12,000 won pizza. However, I was too excited when the pizza arrived at my table to take any pictures and before I knew it the whole thing was gone. Hence, I have no photographic evidence of some of the best pizza I have tasted in Korea.
It felt like I transported myself to Vernon Hills for the afternoon for some mall and Wholesale shopping. There were people everywhere, a food court that sold hot dogs and soft serve, and you could buy potato chips in bulk: Mini America.
Here are some snap shots of the craziness I found in Costco on Sunday afternoon.
Hundreds of SPAM gift sets. A hot commodity in the ROK.
Saya suka bermekap or dalam bahasa Mat Sallehnya I love to put on make-ups! Like gilaaa gilaa punya sukaa! Maybe to some orang yang wear make up ni fake la, tak natural la, membazir duit la. Takpelah I respect your comments. *Peaceee!*
Is started when I was little. Suka sangat tengok Mama solek muka dia; berwarna-warni dan berseri-seri gituuu! Dalam hati memang teringin sangat nak pakai. So bila Mama keluar, daku pun start la merayap masuk bilik Mama dan terus menuju ke meja solek. Pastu start la curi-curi calit muka dengan segalabagai benda yang ada. =P
Tu beginning. Sekarang almost everyday I wear make-up! Nak pergi kedai runcit depan rumah pun I berbedak youu!
Ok. Ni sebab I suka pakai make-up
1. I tak cantik. Itu satu kenyataan yang benar lagi sahih, tiada yang benar melainkan yang benar-benar belaka. Nak nampak cantik macam celebrity kena la conteng-conteng sikit muka an =P
2. It boost my confidence level up to the skyyyyyyyyyy!*sambil buat gaya suparman* When you look nice and presentable *of course without being too much*, you will be confident of yourself. *winkk*
3. Hobi :D Kalau tak keluar rumah pun, kadang-kadang suka main testing2 make-up sampai adik-adik laki pun terpaksa jadi bahan experiment. *hehe* Ada gak a few friends yang mintak tolong daku make up kan diorang for certain events. Agak bangga disituu. *Heee* Tapi yang paling cuak bila diberi amanah make-up kan my cousin yang nak engage. *Gulp!*
4. Kalau tak make up sumpah I akan nampak pucat macam mayat hidup. I don;t wanna scare you people, so that's why I have to put on make-up. *Hehe* Kalau I tak pakai make-up kadang-kadang orang akan tanya, 'Fatin, you ok?" Errrr...the last time I know I memang sihat walafiat.
5. To show my artistic skill! *Perasan* Wearing make-up requires skill. Bukan cooking skill yep. Yelaa, if you dont own the skill, the outcome will not be great. Well, you dont wanna look like this kan?
6. Menunjukkan sifat kewanitaanku! *Auww* Pernah ada orang tanya, selain football apa lagi yang daku minat. Well, it's shopping, make-up and gossiping! Sangat perempuan ok minat-minat tu! *Haha*
7. Nak cover pimples yang suka sangat buat lawatan kat muka ni. *Urghh*
Even these hotties need make-up. Apatah lagi Fatin Shafira yang buruk nih.
*taken from http://seehere.blogspot.com/2006/08/celebrities-without-makeup.html
This weekend is my friend Eric's birthday. We are heading to Konkuk University area tonight for some dinner and college drinking. Then on Saturday we are doing a scavenger hunt around Seoul, which should be a blast.
Saturday night we are going to try to make it to Platoon Kunsthalle Night Flea Market in Gangnam. It is a place for socializing, drinking and where local artists show and sell some of their art. CNN say's the "warehouse resembles a futuristic edifice where Lady Gaga might possibly be working on her performance pieces." I am really excited to check out this "eccentric art-house playground" and maybe buy some Korean art for my apartment.
For this weeks KPOP video I want to show you a video that is much better than the music. TVXQ/DBSK's "Keep Your Head Down" is the quintessential KPOP video. Fire, low cut leather jumpsuits, group slow motion dance, its got it all. You may be wondering what TVXQ stands for. So was I. I found out it is an acronym for Tong Vfang Xien Qi. Of Course! However, after some more digging I learned TVXQ is just their international name. They are known in South Koreas as DBSK, an acronym for Dong Bang Shin Ki. And in Japan they go by the name Tohoshinki, which translates to "The Rising Gods of the East." I never knew KPOP was so complicated.
Here is TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki's video for "Keep Your Head Down". Enjoy KPOP at its greatest!
The Korean school year runs from March to December. The public schools have their 2 month vacation in January and February, giving the kids in Korea a cold, snowy "summer vacation".
During vacation all native English teachers have to teach a "Winter English Camp". Each teacher's camp is different, but usually is 20+ hours split up over 1-2 weeks. Teachers can have classes from 10-40 kids in their winter camps. Some schools have a large budget for the camp, which allows teachers to be creative and fun with their camps, doing arts and crafts and science projects. One of my friends, Quinn, is even doing a Harry Potter themed camp. Here is the advertisement for his camp that is hanging all over his school.
My school did not give me a budget and asked me to create an educational camp because the students who signed up like to learn. My camp will be full of kids in Choas Club (the science and math club at Bugok Middle School). I am thankful for having kids for camp who are dedicated learners, hopefully they wont give me a hard time. But my camp doesn't start until next week, so I will let you know then.
For this past week I have been desk warming. This term is used to describe the act of coming to work at a Korean school with no work to do. Many times when the school is closed and there are no classes the Korean school ask the native teachers to come into school anyways. Their thought process is that they are still paying us to work, so we should come and sit at our desk. Spending 8 hours a day for a whole week, doing nothing on the internet is a little draining. I am not complaining. I love desk warming, so much time for movies and skyping! The concept is just a little ridiculous.
Here is my desk and the empty teacher's office. My home for the last two weeks.
Here is a video from youtube that shows Hitler being told he has to desk warm during his vacation.
Next week, after I am finished with desk warming and winter camp, I am taking 12 of my 20 paid vacation days to go on a trip to South East Asia with a large group of my friends. With weekends and the Lunar New Year my trip will end up being 20 days long! I am so excited and next weekend can't come soon enough.
My itinerary is as follows:
Kuala Lumpur
Koh Phi Phi
Ho Chi Min City
Can Tho (Mekong Delta)
Phu Quoc
(pictures below are Koh Phi Phi and Kula Lumpur)
I have done a lot of research to plan this trip but I wanted to ask all my friends and family for some advice and tips as well. If you have been to any of these places please email with any info you want to pass on!
This is a question I get often. I am lucky. I can pretty much get everything I love in America here in Korea. Since I live in a fairly wealthy area that is in close proximity to Seoul, Western amenities are easy to come across. I can find most Western food in the mega super marts (similar to America's Wal Mart). The food is usually expensive and not very good, but it exists.
When I want to get Western food at a restaurant in Bucheon I usually head to Rhythm and Booze or The Park. Both are Western bars that serve tons of delicious Western food at a reasonable price (5,000-10,000 Won).
This is what a average Western or Foreigner Bar looks like in Korea. Many of them have live Western music on the weekends and play football and basketball games during the week. These are also great places to meet other foreigners in your area.
Last week I at dinner at The Park (I was craving a cheeseburger). I took some pictures of the bar and the food I ordered. I ate a cheeseburger, a grilled cheese and a chicken parmasean sandwich. All were good, but not great (well except the grilled cheese-AMAZING). What else can you expect from Bucheon, South Korea? (I know Americans are stereotyped as being fat, but I actually shared all this food with someone else).
Also, today I was I lucky enough to get a early birthday package from my Wisco roommates.
It was filled with Velveeta mac and cheese, buttered mircrowave popcorn (my weakness), Cape Cod sea salt and vinegar chips and English magazines. I opened it and went to heaven. Thank you so much guys, I LOVE IT. I also currently have a stomach ache because I have been eating Cape Cod chips for the past 2 hours.