Everyone's status/twitter/blogpost taknak lagi stressful and emo kan this sem? Serious rasa normal bila baca hangpa punya status dowh cuz i'm feeling the same way.
Dalam belajar, of course things will get harder and tougher, it's a part of learning. What matters the most is how we manage our time in completing the task. Takde maknanya our coursework is put that way if the lecturers feel that we are not able to comply with it. So, the coursework memang dah di-plan with our level dah pun. *Ni En Shukree sendiri yang cakap* I dont deny the 'harshness' of law school, but InsyaALLAH we could get through this together ye kawan-kawan.
Jadikan our seniours who had graduated as lawyers, prosecutors, magistrates as our motivation. Diorang dulu pun pening tak tido malam gak nak pikiaq' tajuk LRM, diorang pun pernah berselisih faham ngan groupmate sendiri dalam group mooting BUT they managed to get through it .Kalau diorang boleh, why can't us?
21st March- Media Law assignment (submission)
23rd March- LRM (submission)
24th March- Admin Trust Test (rasanyalah)
28th March- Mooting Oral Submission
30th March- LRM presentation
6th April- Land Law test 2
12th April- BEL test 2
♥ ♥ ♥ WISH ME LUCKK!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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