Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Survive ♥

It has been a while since the last time i blog. Ni semua gara-gara kerja yang terlampau banyak. Hari-hari mesti ada something, presentation la, submission la, test la, blah2. Dah lumrah seorang student kannn.Klau tanak face semua benda tu, sila berhenti belajar dan kawen sekarang. *haha*

28th March 2011 was one of the happiest days of 2011


Dah setahun kami kenal. Dah setahun you annoyed me and i know you will keep on annoying me! :P Thanks for the red roses and I cannot wait for ze celebration!

Mooting berakhir ngan jayanya after we struggled real hard. I managed untuk tidak bergerak masa submit mooting and i'm proud of myself! *hee* After I submit my grounds, apa yang membuatkan daku kombang is when she said, 'Very good' For someone yang tak pandai speaking, apatah lagi nk mengeMoot, sudah tentu daku kombang. *hehe* Tapi dia cakap ad debate-style, and I couldn't help it. (=_=') Yang paling terharu when she judged our overall performance as a team pun was good. She said she could see that we had practised a lot. :')

Memonteng class law and media. It turned out that Pn Mazlina gave us our test papers. *Gulp* Lagi satu perkara yang membuatkan daku yang tak berapa nak pandai ni rasa nak nanges was when they told me that i got the highest for the test. Alhamdulillah :')

Tapi hari tu gak yang kitorang dikejutkan with the news that our LRM presentation was in 2 days time. Cuak kot. Test hari khamis tak study lagi, Rabu pulak tiba-tiba ada presentation. It was quite chaotic at first.

But, Thanks to Allah, the LRM presentation went quite well despite the short notice given. The lecturers seemed to be satisfied with our proposal. Great job guys! I feel so blessed that my groupmates for both mooting and LRM are superb and tip-top when it comes to work. :)

Selain markah test Media, on wednesday kitorang 'dikejutkan' dengan markah land law. It was OK-OK je. I know i need to work harder kalau nak dapat 14.5/15 macam my classmate. But still Alhamdulillah :)

On Thursday, test Admintrust pulak. Bukan dapat paper, tapi kena jawab test yang susah gila baban tu. I stared at the question for 15 minutes before answering it. Tapi pastu pulunnnn je. InsyaAllah dapatlah markah. *haha*

It was the busiest week ever but I'm glad that my friends and I survive, dengan jayanya :')

I love you girls, Nab, Dyla and Paer (and Miss too!) Tak lupa gak Luq and Che Nin

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