Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reality Shows Freak

Growing up, I’ve always shown my great admiration towards watching reality shows. Reality shows come in various categories, action, race, fashion, dance, talent and so on. From Survivor to American Idol, from Biggest Loser to America’s Next Top Model, I love watching the unpredictable, real (sometimes fake), hilarious behaviors of the contestants. Kadang-kadang pernah berangan one day, I pun nak join benda ni! *Haha.

Rasanya, reality shows start famous masa Survivor mula-mula ditayang back in 2000 where I was still a young, naïve girl. Now, dah tumbuh cam cendawan, hari-hari, ada je reality show yang baru diperkenalkan. I am not realy fond of our local reality shows such as Akademia Fantasia dan sengakatannya. Bukan tak support industry kita, tapi dah terlalu ramai artis mee segera kat Negara kita ni.

Siapa yang cakap tak pernah tengok reality shows memang penipu besar lah. *Haha*. Meh kita tengok antara reality shows yang menjadi kegilaan ramai. Ramai tu termasuk gak orang yang tengah menulis ni. *Hee*

1. Survivor

Survivor ni dah masuk ke season berapa pun I dah lost count. Basically, a group of people dicampak ke isolated place to show off their survival skills. Siapa yang last survive akan digelar Sole Survivor and win a fat cash of 1 000 000 USD. Nahh, hamik kauu!!

2. The Amazing Race

Antara banyak-banyak reality shows, ni la yang aku selalu berangan nak join. Tak sedar diri diri walaupun aku ni mudah semput kalau lari-lari sikit pun.*Haha* Amazing Race punye konsep sangat la simple. Siapa sampai first dalam perlumbaan seluruh dunia ni. dialah pemenang. Hadiah? Kalau kat Asia, the winners will received 100 000 USD = RM 315 100! *Pheww!*

3. American Idol

Rancangan melalak-lalak kat US yang dah nak masuk season 10. Winner would only get the title< ‘American Idol” but tak perlu risau, ngan title tu pun dah guarantee the winner will receive million dollars of singing contract. Kelly Clarkson is one of my favorite idol! ;)

4. The Biggest Loser

This is another life-changing show. Sekarang kat Asia pun mula diperkenalkan. Siapa yang paling banyak turun berat will win. Kalau menang bukan setakat boley jadi fit and lagi handsome or gorgeous, duit pun dapat wooo! Kalau kat Asia, the grand prize is USD100 000!!!

5. America’s Next Top Model

Sekarang ANTM dah masuk cycle 15. *Claps* Suka tengok show ni sebab I admire the models’ beauty, sexiness and how photogenic they are walaupun sometimes perngai sekor2 tuh sangatlah &^&*% tapi tulah yang sebenarnya telah melariskan ANTM.

6. The Bachelor

Hahhh, Yang ni pun best sebab banyak drama *Hee*. 25 gadis-gadis yang boleh tahan cun ni akan merebut cinta Si Teruna aka The Bachelor yang biasanya handsome, kaya, highly educated, blah3. Last-last, The Bachelor will propose one of the girls and take her as his devoted wife. Tapi pernah jadi The Bachelor ni tak pilih sape-sape pun.

7. So You Think You Can Dance

Ni kalau translate BM, “Jadi Kau Ingat Kau Boleh Menari?”. *Ahaa* Yang ni siapa yang impress judges and gain the most public votes with their incredible dancing skills will be the winner! Kalau kat Malaysia, tadela show ni tukar nama, format sama cuma hadiah je lain.

What about you? What is/are you favorite Reality Show(s)? :D

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