Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear my one and only sister,

I cant believe that time flies super fast. It feels like yesterday we were playing masak-masak together and now you’re a big girl, you’re going into university sis! We both are mahasiswi, how cool is that??

I know I’m not such a good sister, I am such a nuisance to you but Kakak does love you. We share clothes, make-ups, and even secrets that Mama doesn’t even know. Hehe. Dulu masa kecik-kecik baju mesti sama, kalau x sama, colour lain. Hehe. Sometimes, ada orang ingat kita twins, even until now pon. We argue A LOT, even on simple and petty things. But blood is thicker than water huh? Gaduh2 pon mesti last2 baik balik. *smile*

I now sometimes I’m being cold dan suka je comment. But I did that because I’m being concern about you, because I care about my baby sister. I know I never apologize, so do you, egoistic runs in our blood, but I am truly sorry if I ever hurt your feelings

Dah masuk Uni ni, it’s a whole new world to you Sis. University is wayyy different than high school. As much it offers you FREEDOM but freedom will lead you to temptations. Jaga diri dik. Pilih kawan betul-betul. Ramai yang salah pilih kawan and they end up getting worse. Study smart. Solat kena jaga. Make our parents proud of you. It’s no harm to sacrifice FUN in order to achieve the best. Ok, Kakak meleter lagi like she always do. Haha.

As we both are taking different directions now, dah tak tinggal sbumbung lagi, nanti after belajar dah kerja, pastu kahwin ( ok, tak saba!! Hah) dan berkeluarga. Dah tak boleh gaduh cam dulu-dulu lagi. Dah tak boleh ketuk kakak ngan sudu lagi. But that doesn’t mean that we’re apart at heart. I’m gonna miss you and the memories we shared, that’s for sure.

You were my childhood friend, my friend and my one and only sister. I wish you the best of luck in your future undertakings, in experiencing a whole new exciting journey in university. You’ll love it, trust me.


Kakakmu yang comel. *Hehe*


we both love taking pictures ngn gedixxnya together!!

(P/S: I know you might not read this , but I still hope you do )

Quote of the day:

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. ~Amy Li

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