Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh Lemak!!




The pictures tell it all. I’ve gained 10 kgs, yes TEN since msuk UiTM ni. Weight has never really been an issue of mine, but now it does look like an issue.

Just look at the differences in the pictures.




It bothers me a bit actually especially ble ramai yang tegur, “eh, Fatin da smakin brisi la skarang,” , “Fatin, asal nampak cam bulat sgt je?” & worse, I cannot fit my favourite jeans anymore!! *sigh*

Statement paling tak boleh blah. Ada this one time, I was with my mum at a mall. We bumped into an old friend of hers. She asked my mum,

“ Eh, anak sulung you yg putih2, kurus2 dulu tuu kat mana sekarang?”

Anak sulung? Aku la kan? DUSH!! I was standing right in front of her kot, siap da cium tangan semua. I felt like I was fallen into the Valley of Humiliation. Tahu la, aku da tak kurus cam dlu, da gelap pon sekarang. Hahaha

Yeah, I dun give a shit on what peole say but I need to do this for my own benefit. I need to stay healthy for my own good. Takut kalau tak jaga nanti, bila da tua semakin mengembang dan timbul pulak mcm2 penyakit (Nauzubillah)

Memang la my BMI dah ok, but ade je orang yang BMI dah normal, tapi bila diagnosed, ada cholesterol sbb tak makan dengan healthynya.

I’m not gonna diet cam orang gila. I just gotta control my food consumption. I should take less delicious-but-fattening-junk-food, fast food (Oh Ayam KFC!!), unhealthy food cam pickles semua tuu (Jap, memang tak suka pon..*haha*). I will not do stupid things by stop eating or by throwing up after meal. Euww. *So uncool* I also need to control the proportion of different kinda nutrients that I take. Banyakkan fruits n vege!! (Bajet nak ikot food pyramid la) *Haha* I ad baca gak, air putih is essential. Kena minum 7 liter air sehari.

And of course la, kena la exercise gak. Jaga makan tapi tak exercise apa guna? Tak semestinya jogging, turun nauk tangga Cempaka tu pon exercise gak. During lunch break, boleh je buat exercise kat tangga Cempaka tuu. (Ok, kinda silly I know *haha*) Kat rumah ni, I ade jugak la go for a jog with my mum and sis. And hopefully, next semester, if time is not an essence, & if umur ni masih pjg lg, 3 kali smnggu I’ll jog dkat tasik Seksyen 7 tuu. I’m sure my roomie nak join! Hee.

So, yeah, InsyaAllah, I can work this out. I need to accomplish my mission to lead a better, healthy life! I can do this!! =)

(P/S: Mungkinkah ini penyebabnyaa??)

Quote of the day:

If food is your best friend, it's also your worst enemy. ~Edward "Grandpa" Jones, 1978

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